PinDuoDuo vs Taobao Swimming Goggles For 2.9 Yuan

PinDuoDuo has many types of offers and deals, however, it doesn’t come from only PinDuoDuo. It may also come from PinDuoDuo Pro which is still under the same company. If you want more information you can click here:

Swimming goggles are an essential item for swimmers. These goggles cost only 2.9 Yuan. However, that isn’t the original price. The original price for these goggles is 6.6 Yuan. Which is still very cheap. Most goggles would have a price range of RM20-60!

Taobao vs Pinduoduo

You can scan the QR code using the WeChat picture below in order to view this product!  If you don’t know how to scan it, you can click HERE.

Swimming Goggles

These swimming goggles are available in different colors and types so the price may differ. It is available in black, blue, dark blue and pink.

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1) How to register Shopee Ship From Overseas?
2) Product From China then Post To The Customer
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Dropship China -Malaysia
Pinduoduo + Shopee Ship From Overseas

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