Pinduoduo - How To Add Warehouse Shopee SLS Address
When buying products from China using 1688 or Pinduoduo, the seller will send the product to the China warehouse first then from China warehouse to Malaysia. **The Formula is:** Pinduoduo to Warehouse Shopee SLS then DIRECTLY to the customer house. How To Add Warehouse Shopee SLS Address **PLEASE READ THIS:** **Before purchasing the product you want PLEASE choose the warehouse address you want as default!** The new Shopee SLS Warehouse Address will be operating starting April 15 2020. **Please read the information below first before proceeding! Thank you!** **The information below is the new address to the Warehouse Shopee SLS.** 1. 客优242280 ♥️Since in PinDuoDuo, the limit of characters is 8 you have to put in 客优242280. (If **you haven't noticed yet the full name of the receiver is missing one character).** However, for other sites you have to put in the full name which is: ✨ **客优云242280** If you don't have Warehouse Address READ MORE INFO HERE ...