Case Study Silicone Ice Bucket 1.06 KG Cheap Shipping From China To Malaysia For Only RM22.16

Before we start, people who buy products from China have one biggest fear. It’s when their product has a weight of 1.06KG.

Its because if the product weighs a little more than one KG, they will charge the price of the weight of 2KG. 

But if you’re using Shopee Ship From Overseas you won’t have worry since if the weight of your product is 1.06KG they will charge you for more 1.06KG. Don’t worry.

Silicone Ice Bucket 9.9 At PinDuoDuo

The Silicone Ice Bucket From PinDuoDuo Only Costs 9.99 Yuan for one while for 3 buckets is costs 29.97 Yuan ( RM19.35 ) with free shipping until the China Warehouse.

If you did know how to SCAN A QR CODE, You can click the video here.

Silicone Ice Bucket 1.06KG

When you buy 3 Silicone Ice Buckets, the total weight is 1060g which is 1.06KG. If you use other shipping companies,they will charge you for the price of 2KG. But what if you use the cheapest shipping from China to Malaysia, how much is the price for 1.06KG?

Ice Bucket 1.06KG Very Cheap Shipping For RM22.16

How do you understand the weight of 1.06KG? The easiest way is the Shipping Subtotal which is RM15.9 / 15 = 1.06KG 

and the payment the seller pays RM4.50 plus the fee and charges which is RM1.76, so the total is RM22.16.

If it’s from the other shipping companies, 1KG costs RM18, and they charge RM36 for 2KG. Have you seen the price difference?

So, do you understand all about the cheapest shipping from China To Malaysia?

Problems When Doing Dropship 2020

1) How to register Shopee Ship From Overseas?
2) Product From China then Post To The Customer
3) Shipping that is very cheap starts from 10gram
4) Why are the products in Shopee so cheap?
5) Why is the shipping in Shopee so cheap?

More Info Read Here 


Dropship China -Malaysia

Dropship China -Malaysia
Pinduoduo + Shopee Ship From Overseas

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